Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ikea Cube Organizer (and Ikea just in general :)

So, with all the wedding gifts we received last year, and lots of it kitchen stuff, but in a tiny one-bedroom apartment for the time being, we definitely needed some smart storage systems to hold what our kitchen couldn't, but attractive at the same time. We ended up getting a bunch of our furniture at Ikea - its affordable, attractive, and if it ends up falling apart in years, it was a deal anyway, so we can replace it. I love this cube organizer! It comes in four colors, and if you want baskets, you buy those separately - you get to pick from different styles, and its just a great use of space! We got ours (its called an 'Expedit Bookcase') when it was on sale for $99! What a deal. They also have smaller and bigger ones available (less cubes or more cubes), too, so you can find one that fits best for your needs. We ended up getting a small four cube one as well, as our 'mail, bill, ingoing, outgoing, supplies' organizer, and its been great - papers stored in baskets instead of cluttering up the house is nice!
Bookcase shown above is ours, pic taken at Christmas time. To find same kind on Ikea website, click link:

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