Friday, October 21, 2011

How to Have Your Second Child First - by Kerry Colburn & Rob Sorensen

So for a while now I have been convinced that I want to somehow avoid the classic firstborn mistakes and pitfalls, with our baby on the way! So when I saw this book, wow, it spoke directly to me alright!! It is an awesome book, I think it should be required reading for all first time parents! It really helps take away fears, remove the paranoia, and gives great tips and suggestions for making it easy on yourself, simplifying, and helping avoid those classic first time mistakes. There are lots of great tidbits from second time parents throughout the book, along with the authors, who give such great words of wisdom. This is a very fun read and super practical!! :) It is a must!! (p.s. I found this one at the library as well, so if you're watching your expenses considering the baby on the way, check the library first!! :)

Full of Life - by Nancy O'Dell - Library or Amazon

This has been my VERY favorite pregnancy book thus far!! When I first saw it at the library, I thought it was just a cheesy little book by the Access Hollywood girl, and as I looked through it, it actually looked pretty good. I checked it out, brought it home, and I have to tell you, it has been SO helpful, just such a nice read -it was great to be able to relate and see what's ahead, what she dealt with, what's normal, and hear practical advice from things she learned, and even great maternity style wardrobe tips! Its a great feel good pregnancy book, not one of those that's overwhelming and packed with info, which I thought was refreshing! This I believe is an essential for the newly pregnant woman -- it'd make a great gift too!!

Bigelow Mint Medley Tea ICED

So when I was very sick in my first trimester of pregnancy, mint tea sounded good to me. My mother in law picked this up for me, and I made it, added honey, and poured it over tons of ice, and yum! So good! It might not sound good to you, but trust me, you'll be surprised! Its so refreshing and thirst quenching, you'll slurp it down! Whether pregnant & nauseated, or not, this iced mint tea is a keeper!!

Welch's Essentials Concord Grape Cranberry Juice - Safeway

So in my pregnancy so far, I have craved fruit juices and fruit pretty consistently, and in that have discovered some good new ones! I like grape juice but its a bit tart for me, and I usually don't buy it, and I like cranberry juice and usually buy the no sugar added kind. When I saw this mix of both of those juices, it looked good and was on sale so thought I'd give it a try. One word: YUM! It is primarily grape, but the cranberry mixed in it is so complimentary, and takes away the tartness of the grape which I usually didn't like. Such a tasty juice! And good for you!! It is hard to find, I have only found it at one store near us, so keep your eye out for it. And don't fall for any similar juices, they are just not as good as this particular one! ha.

Libman Freedom Spray Mop - Target

So in our apartment we lived in last year, the floors were granite (weird huh) in the kitchen/laundry/entryway/bathroom. Our swiffer wet jet mop seemed to do just fine on it and worked well (except sometimes I did feel it was a bit streaky or sticky, but minor.) Then we move to this brand new house this summer, that has tile patterned laminate flooring in the kitchen and three bathrooms, and the swiffer wet jet just didn't seem to clean well on it at all - very frustrating. After much thought and research, I ended up getting this Libman freedom mop, loving the option of using my own choice of cleaner (I like to use a 1/2 and 1/2 vinegar and water mixture), and the mop head being machine washable is great! Less waste, and even more than that, no need to spend money on disposable refills, yay!! Oh, and no batteries needed, the spray just works by a trigger that you pull with your finger up near the handle, genius! ha. So I spent $20 on the mop, tried it, and FELL IN LOVE!!! haha. Its so great, works well, is well made and I just love it, that's all there is to it. I am convinced this is one of the best mops you can purchase, unless you want to spend money on a costly steam mop (which look awesome but I just couldn't put the money out for that since we have mostly carpeting and a cheaper mop for our hard floors will do just fine). The Freedom mop is definitely worth a buy!! :)

Traveling Jewelry organizer - Container Store

So the exact one I have of this (which has more little pockets than shown) I am having trouble finding, but this is very similar and gives you the idea. Before I found this, I was always frustrated with how to best organize my jewelry, and before trips would pre-pick out what I was gonna wear and place it in a lovely ziploc, haha. After getting this, wow, all problems solved!! It hangs in my closet, but when time to go on a trip, I just take it down, fold it closed with the velcro closure, and it is such a great way to travel with all my jewelry in a compact way!! Definitely worth the money! I think I got mine on sale for $15. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Greek Yogurt as a substitute! - Safeway

So I just buy any Greek yogurt that's cheapest or on sale, I'm not particular about brands. I have recently learned that Greek yogurt is a great substitute for sour cream and mayonnaise, and have begun using it in things, and wow, its much healthier and you can't tell a difference! The tangyness and consistency is great, it can be blended in with lots of things!! So just this summer I began buying this yogurt for smoothies. Then, because I had it around, and was learning all about it from Rocco on TV :), I have now used it in a mayo/dijon dipping sauce for homemade fries (dijon mustard, a little mayo, yogurt, seasonings; blend), which was great. And in tuna salad (just used a little mayo to flavor it, and seasonings like usual), which was great as well! And as I had facebooked, my husband used it in mashed potatoes when we were out of sour cream, but accidentally used Vanilla flavored -- was weird; it was edible but not recommended. :) So make sure you buy PLAIN for all these!! I'm gonna try it in chicken salad, pasta salad & spinach dip next!! Give it a whirl!! :)

Breyer's Limited Edition "Grasshopper Pie" - Safeway

Yum. This is one of the best new ice creams I've had in a while. If you love thin mints/ grasshoppers, you'll love this!!! Thin mint type of cookies in a very light not overly minty ice cream; so refreshing!! Look for sales, I love buying Breyers only when its on sale, which is fairly often at Safeway, thankfully! :)

Chloe Agnew - "Walking in the Air" - itunes

So I bought this album on itunes probably a couple years ago, wanting something relaxing and simple. It has been one that I revisit time and time again on my ipod!!! I am not a Charlotte Church fan, nor an Opera fan. I just love this album. Its different, beautiful and pretty and a lovely change of pace. And you bond with it too, I love it the more I listen to it, whereas at the beginning I knew I liked some of the songs, but wasn't sure about the whole album. Try a listen on itunes! This is a breath of fresh air. I love listening to it on flights, its an escape from everything around. It probably lowers stress levels!! :)

Chaco flip flops in "blossom" - REI

Love the support and quality and comfort of these! A dream for flip flop wearers who want good support! REI had them on sale, so shop around for prices and sales!!

Despicable Me

Can't remember the last time I watched an entire kids movie and enjoyed it. Just saw this recently and loved it!!

Microwave heating bag - Mall

So some people have these that might just sit around. I on the other hand use mine faithfully and love it!! Its a nice relaxing aromatherapy steam heat that comes from mine (its one of those you get at a peddler at the mall). Its great for naturally curing headaches, neck pain, lower back pain, stomach uncomfortability, helping fall asleep easier (I put it over my forehead and eyes some nights and am out like a light!) I've had it for years and its still trekkin'! Its good not to overheat it (to not burn the kernel things in it, or your skin), and based on which microwave/wattage you're using, play around and figure out the perfect time for it.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Crockpot Incredibility!!

So we registered for a Crockpot last year for our wedding, and as much as I knew it was gonna be such a dinner help, I also had no personal experience using one, so I felt a bit intimidated (which I laugh at now :) and it sat & sat in the box. After seeing friends' posts on facebook about Crockpot meals a couple months ago, and got the gumption to finally attempt making a meal in mine -- I completely just guessed and tossed stuff in the Crockpot one morning before work, in a hurry and trying to just guess what would be good to add. I tossed in beef pot roast, onion, garlic, roasted red pepper, celery, seasonings, herbs, random condiments I think like worcestershire sauce and mustard, and i think about 4 cups of water. I turned the timer on 8.5 hours (yes ours has a digital timer which is awesome!) and I came home from work, made some egg noodles, pulled the roast out of the crockpot to cut, and turned the crockpot on high, adding some flour and whisking to make a gravy, which happened super fast and was so easy - topped noodles with beef & gravy, and on my gosh, it was soo good!! My hubby said "good dinner babe!!" And I was totally like "It wasn't me!!! I did nothing!! This is awesome!!" :) And it fed us a couple more meals too, how nice!! Since then, I realize I can just guess every time and its all good!! :) This is definitely a cure for wifely dinner planning anxiety, let me tell you!! :)

Friday, March 18, 2011


I just recently put this on facebook, with so many people sick lately. This is the thing that finally made the difference for me, to get me over my symptoms and boost my energy and immune system back up! Best results are from drinking it 2x a day! Tropical and Super Orange are my favorite flavors so far. Best prices I've seen for the boxes, are at Whole Foods and Target. And at Whole Foods they sell the individual packets as well, so you can grab a few flavors to try and see what you like best. Some of the flavors I am not a fan of. haha.

B&B works "Dark Kiss"

So a friend introduced me to this scent at Bath & Body Works (thanks Steph :), and I LOVE it!!! I know with scents, everyone has different taste, but definitely try a bit next time you're at the mall! Oh, and I love their trial sizes, its nice to try out a scent for a while and see if I want to commit to more, haha. Love the lotion and spray of this!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ikea Cube Organizer (and Ikea just in general :)

So, with all the wedding gifts we received last year, and lots of it kitchen stuff, but in a tiny one-bedroom apartment for the time being, we definitely needed some smart storage systems to hold what our kitchen couldn't, but attractive at the same time. We ended up getting a bunch of our furniture at Ikea - its affordable, attractive, and if it ends up falling apart in years, it was a deal anyway, so we can replace it. I love this cube organizer! It comes in four colors, and if you want baskets, you buy those separately - you get to pick from different styles, and its just a great use of space! We got ours (its called an 'Expedit Bookcase') when it was on sale for $99! What a deal. They also have smaller and bigger ones available (less cubes or more cubes), too, so you can find one that fits best for your needs. We ended up getting a small four cube one as well, as our 'mail, bill, ingoing, outgoing, supplies' organizer, and its been great - papers stored in baskets instead of cluttering up the house is nice!
Bookcase shown above is ours, pic taken at Christmas time. To find same kind on Ikea website, click link:

Frigoverre Glass Storage Containers w/ Lids

So I have a little collection going, of different brands of glass storage containers, to use especially for food we heat up, since its safer. And I love the durability, and how it doesn't hold stains & odors like plastic containers. The brand that's become my very favorite is Frigoverre. They have easy on/easy off lids, but they're durable, kinda rubbery, and hold on well for a secure seal, and there are all sorts of sizes of containers that they have. The best thing is, I find them at discount places, like Homegoods & Ross! Check for them next time you're there, in the kitchen section!

Target Brand Paper Products

So I have tried more and more of Target's own brand ("up & up") of products, and have been really impressed! It saves money, but doesn't compromise quality, which is the key. Because its just two of us for now, we don't have a Costco membership, and just get our bulk paper products etc, at Target. I love Target's brand of Paper Towels - and they have ones that are the "half sheets" which is more practical & less wasteful, so I get those kind. And I really like their Premium toilet paper better than even brand names! Definitely give their "up & up" brand a try for paper products and more!

Oxi Clean Powder

So I've blogged about the Oxi Clean stain removing spray before, but the powder deserves its own entry!! :) I have used this on all sorts of stains, and have been so impressed with how its worked! With being a nanny, doing the kids laundry, some stains come up that need more than just a wash. I put some Oxi Clean powder & warm or hot water in a bowl, and soak the item for a while before putting it in the laundry (and I pour it in the washer with Oxi water and all, figure it'll help with the other clothes too, since its also a laundry booster! I even soak the 14 month old's lovey in Oxi Clean & hot water once a week, before laundering it, which deep cleans, removes stains & odor, amazingly!!! This is definitely worth buying and using as you need! Since it is a laundry booster, you can just add a scoop to each laundry load (I especially do it for lights when I know there are some tougher stains). Enjoy!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Honeyed Salmon Recipe - super easy!!

Ok so what I love about this, is it makes a quick dinner, you can add any sides you want, and its a nice change of pace from usual dinners. Keep your eye on fresh WILD salmon at the grocery store, and when its on sale, grab some and write down what you'll need:
salmon (that looks good, fresh, WILD salmon, from grocery store packaged or from fish counter, etc.)
brown sugar
olive oil
Bake 450 - keep checking, take out earlier and test it (avoid drying out).
I first soak the salmon in milk (skin side up) to get the overly fishy taste out! Not sure how long I usually let it sit, I usually don't have time to let it sit long, so I'd say 30-45 mins. More time if you have it. Preheat oven to 450. Remove salmon from milk; rinse or pat dry with paper towel. I like to place in a pan with foil lining it to make for a quick clean up. All the following ingredients I use, just guess on the amount, its whatever you want, and you can adjust it how you like it. Rub brown sugar into salmon, drizzle honey, a little olive oil, place some butter on top, salt & pepper it. Bake in 450 oven for 13-15 minutes - it really depends on how big the fish is, how thick, and on your oven. Set a timer to go off every 4 minutes, and use a spoon to scoop what's melted off & "baste it". I think this makes a difference in the moisture and flavor of the salmon. Pull the salmon out at the earliest time (try at like ten mins) and use a fork to check and see if its done. Fish is SO easy to overcook, and dry squeaky salmon is never great, so pull it out -earlier- than you think, and see how well it flakes with a fork - when its flaking fairly well and looks done but not overdone.
  We like to eat it with rice and asparagus, or au gratin potatoes & green beans... really anything!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Chocolate Peanut Butter Whoopie Pie - Corner Bakery

This is by far one of the best desserts I've ever had in my life! Oh my, they are to die for!! The peanut butter filling is delectable, and the combination with the chocolate "cake" is amazing. One day I want to try to make a mock version at home.
I get them at Corner Bakery -- some locations don't have them, and some make them better than others. The location in the Fair Oaks Mall, in Fairfax, VA, makes the very best ones I'm convinced. :) So if you live in that area, don't leave the mall till you buy one! They run right under $2, and you'll want one per person, this is a hard dessert to share! ha.

Safeway Sale Shopping

I love shopping at Safeway for our groceries, stocking up when items we like are on sale, because they have great sales & often, on a ton of the items we buy!! Just the other day, a fancy madagascar vanilla extract that is normally $7, was marked down to $3.49 and is twice the amount of the regular small bottle of Safeway's brand. With all the baking we do, we bought a couple of them! We also take advantage when they have 2 for the price of 1 sales on Breyer's ice cream, Thomas' English Muffins, Cheetos, etc., and great deals on Soup, Spaghetti sauce, Marinades, Many different kinds of meat & poultry, Butter. They have the best sales on the weekends, so just keep your eye out and when items you like are on sale, if you stock up, then you'll never have to buy full price again! It'll definitely help cut your grocery spending down!!

Kleenex with Lotion

I realized when I ran out of my lotion Kleenex, how horrible it is having to use toilet paper and feeling like my nose was so sore I couldn't stand it! When you are blowing your nose constantly, due to sickness or allergies, I feel its totally worth investing in the lotion Kleenex, it makes such a difference!! I am such a dork. :)

Sore Throat Salt Remedy

When I was sick, I had the worst sore throat I can remember, and one day I googled 'sore throat remedies' just hoping for something that would help more than the things I had already tried. I came upon this website: and tried it and it helped relieve my sore throat way more than anything else had! I would highly recommend it, and its super easy, takes no time, and everyone has SOME type of salt at home. Basically all you do is tilt your head back, shake (or pinch salt in between your fingers & drop) salt gently back into your throat, and let it sit there as long as you can stand it, then swallow. It kills the bacteria on contact that causes the pain. Yes swallowing is... salty! But its so helpful.  

Simple Saline Nasal Spray

After having the flu last week, I figured I should post some of the sick remedies that have been most helpful to me, time and time again. When you feel absolutely miserable, any kind of relief is sure welcome! 
Simple saline spray gently mists into the nasal passages, moisturizing, relieving some of the sinus pain, and clearing out the nasal passages so your nose won't constantly run. And being just saline spray, its natural and non-addictive, unlike other medicated ones. And the spray stays sterile, unlike regular plastic bottled nasal sprays, so you don't have to toss it out and replace like those kind. They have Simple Saline for babies too!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bigelow Sweet Dreams Tea

The first time I had this tea, I knew it was one I'd be buying and keeping in our tea box! It is such a nice blend and just... yum!! You have to try it!!

Starbucks VIA Brew

If I want great coffee thats quick and easy, this has definitely become my favorite! So much so, that I can't even drink the 'lesser' ones anymore (my husband is proud. ha). I love the Italian roast - extra bold (red, above), and I use a fun creamer and sugar with it. I am cutting down my caffeine intake in 2011, but this is a nice treat! I think its 3 for $2.95 or 12 for $9.95. I know it is pricey compared to the grocery store stuff, but you pay for what you get, and for this, $1 is a good deal! Just heat water, add packet and stir!

Neutrogena Hand Cream

This stuff doesn't mess around, its concentrated, so its more the consistency of vaseline, and it soaks in and helps relieve my super dry hands way better than any lotion or cream. The best is to use it right after washing hands, before bed, and after getting out of the shower, and maybe once during the day when you get the chance. It is a winter essential for me! I get it at Target usually.